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“ROBOTOR, the robot that sculpts Carrara marble” – 3D natives

By 10 Luglio 2023Aprile 5th, 2024No Comments

3Dnatives is the leading international media on 3D printing and its applications worldwide with over 1 million unique visitors per month and is available in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian.

Today, 3D technologies are used in a wide variety of sectors,’ reads the article, ‘and an example is the experience of Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini, founders of the companies ROBOTOR and TorArt which have used robotics combined with 3D scanning in the service of art and culture, or rather sculpture to be precise.

Their anthropomorphic robot is capable of reproducing in a short time, andguaranteeing precision and detail, the greatest sculptures in history: Amore e Psiche and Tersicore by Canova, the Arch of Palmyra or the Parthenon bas-reliefs are just some of the priceless works that TorArt has been able to work on.



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